Val M. from Hallam, Victoria
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: Val M.
From: Hallam, Victoria
Lost: 45 lbs
in: 7 months
Won: $1502
"I've always struggled with my weight," says Val M., but it wasn't until Val saw a portrait of himself that he realized he needed to take control of his weight. "While I knew I was big and not happy in my own skin while looking at myself in the mirror, it was only more evident of how much I’ve let myself go when I saw the portrait shots."
Ready to get serious about losing weight and getting healthy, Val M. looked into HealthyWage. "I need a proper motivator, and apparently, money was the answer."
Val bet himself $150 a month for 7 months that he would lose 44 pounds. "It's empowering to know that I can decide how much [weight] to lose, what length, and the amount of money wagered."
First step was locking down his nutrition. "I love food, but specifically, I love my breads and pastas. During the lockdowns, I think I indulged in pizza more than it should be legal for any human to consume, lol." Knowing that carbs and fast-food was a trigger for him, Val decided to eliminate them from his diet. Next up -- activity. "I’ve always enjoyed walking. I can’t do much more physical things because I had a childhood accident that limits my hip movement. I knew that while eating healthy does help you lose weight, exercise had to be incorporated. I started walking 5 minutes a day, then 10, 20… slowly building up my stamina, while increasing both speed and incline. I can now comfortably do a good 30 minutes with an incline of alternating from 3 to 12."
When Val submitted his weigh-out 7 months later confirming he not only met his goal but exceeded it by losing 45 pounds, he won $1,502 with HealthyWage!
"HealthyWage is the perfect motivational tool in helping anyone lose weight and achieve their goal, all while getting paid to do it!" In addition to winning $1,502, Val's excited about living a healthier and happier life. "Besides the fact that I won some money… it’s much more than that. [HealthyWage] helped me overcome my stubborn weight loss problem, and helped set me on a new path in life. If anyone is reading this, I hope you too will get inspired by all the testimonies as I have, and start making a change… your weight loss is your gain $$$."