Stacey K. from Wilmington, NC
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: Stacey K.
From: Wilmington, NC
Lost: 31 lbs
in: 12 months
Won: $1031
“I’ve been yo-yoing since I was in my twenties. I’ve tried weight loss pills, counting calories, everything – you name it.
This time, I had been on the right track to losing weight in a healthy way. I no longer wanted to diet; I didn’t want a quick-fix. It wasn’t about my looks anymore, it was about my health.
I was at my heaviest weight ever, I had high cholesterol, pre-diabetic, fatty liver. This was no joke, I needed to lose weight.
My first instinct was to lose it quickly, but instead I focused on it being sustainable so I could keep it off.
I had been using Noom and going into the holidays, I knew I needed extra accountability.”
Stacey K. signed up with HealthyWage and bet herself she’d lose 30 pounds to win over $1,000.
“Talk about accountability. I’d debate how much a bag chips cost me.”
Stacey surpassed her goal, losing 31 pounds in 12 months and winning $1,031!
“The thought of losing my money was the cake and the icing was winning my prize. It was such a great feeling of accomplishment. It just made it so much more of a celebration of getting my money back AND winning more.”