Skylar L. from Hinkley, OH
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: Skylar L.
From: Hinkley, OH
Lost: 48 lbs
in: 6 months
Won: $1109
“I started this year at 196 pounds” and joined HealthyWage “because I needed motivation and knew putting my own money on the line would help,” says Skylar L. on her weight loss journey.
Along with placing a weight loss bet that she’d lose 47.5 pounds in 6 months, Slylar tackled her nutrition and fitness, discovering that what she thought would hinder her weight loss, actually helped. As someone who used to do cardio everyday for an hour, Skylar began lifting weights and “added extra classes like yoga for stretching and meditation,” which immediately began boosting her weight loss. In addition, she “learned that carbs aren’t bad...and added more protein and vegetables” to her diet.
Skylar’s 6-month challenge included learning curves full of trials and errors. “I learned how my weight can fluctuate so much,” she says, “and by documenting it everyday, I saw how most weeks I went down and that plateaus were normal.” However, despite plateaus, Skylar stayed focused on hitting her goal. “I just keep my eye on the [HealthyWage] prize!”
When Skylar’s weigh-out confirmed she had surpassed her goal and lost 48 pounds, she won $1,109! “I literally can not believe I’m here today! I am so freakin happy and so much more alive! I love HealthyWage; it gave me that umph I needed to lose the weight, and be the person I’ve been wanting to be."