Miranda B. from Greenwood, IN
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: Miranda B.
From: Greenwood, IN
Lost: 81 lbs
in: 24 months
Won: $2973
“I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it,” states Miranda B. “I had tried so many times to lose weight and failed.”
After turning 34, Miranda was ready to make a change and finally put her health first. “I knew I was at a point in my life where I needed to lose weight. I was stuck in a rut where I kept starting programs and then falling off.”
Ready to jump off the hamster wheel, Miranda decided join a weight loss challenge with HealthyWage and make a weight loss bet.
Miranda bet $50 a month for 24 months that she would lose 80 pounds.
“It took me a while to get my workouts and nutrition balanced,” she says. While calorie-counting worked at the beginning of her weight loss journey, Miranda found herself falling off track if she and her husband went out for date night or she wanted to have dinner with friends. “I didn’t have the discipline.” It wasn’t until she starting doing keto, did she realize what the main source of her issue had been: sugar. “It was an eye opener of how addicted I was to sugar.” Originally planning on only doing keto for 30 days, Miranda not only saw the pounds drop, but her inflammation decrease as well. Able to easily incorporate keto into her already busy life, this full-time working mom of two was happy to find a nutrition plan that finally worked for her.
With her nutrition intact, Miranda started taking group classes at her gym. As a former dancer, “being in a class environment helps hold me accountable.” And to keep her interested and motivated with exercise, she varied between dance, strength training, and bootcamp classes.
“One of my favorite things about HealthyWage is that anyone can do it. You don’t have to do keto like I’m doing, you don’t have to be in the gym every day. You can just figure out what works for you. It’s so important and makes it sustainable and realistic.”
When her final weigh-in confirmed she actually exceeded her goal and lost 81 pounds, Miranda won $2,973!
It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. If you stick to your goal and lose the weight you say you’re going to, HealthyWage pays you. Lose weight, win money — it’s as simple as that.
For Miranda, it was the financial investment that motivated her to finally get serious about weight loss and achieve her goal. “The money is a motivator, it really is,” she says. “This was my own money, my own investment, and it was just time I chose to do something for myself.“
What initially drew Miranda to the HealthyWager was the fact it was completely customized to her. “I loved that I could personalize it for me. I was in control of that whole process knowing how much I wanted to lose, how long I had to lose it in, what my wager was going to be, and then seeing what I was going to win.” In addition, it was important that she got to choose how to lose the weight. “For me, the HealthyWager really worked because I was able to figure out what lifestyle was going to work for me long-term.”
Having surpassed her original weight loss goal and right before her 36th birthday, Miranda is now focused on maintaining her new healthy lifestyle. “I lived so long knowing what it was like being out of shape and to not be in the best health of my life,” she relays. “I will never go back to the way I was before.”
“The investment into myself through HealthyWage has paid off in every way possible,” Miranda exclaims. “I’m healthier, I’m happier, and I feel better than I ever have in my entire adult life!”