Kristen C. from Spencerville, IN
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: Kristen C.
From: Spencerville, IN
Lost: 61 lbs
in: 9 months
Won: $2474
“I finally hit my wits end this year at an amusement park, Cedar Point, when an employee had to force the harness down over my legs and gut because I couldn't do it myself. I knew at that point there were other rides I couldn't fit on at all and I was devastated and embarrassed. I decided I was done and something had to change.
I started trying to lose weight in July and found HealthyWage in August. I signed up immediately and there was no looking back. HealthyWage gave me two things I needed that played into my personality: (1) Deadlines! There is always an excuse or reason to eat crummy food, but with solid deadlines, I became more selective; and (2) Competition + pride! Fighting against myself for these bragging rights was key.
I am so thankful for this program! I was a winner whether I hit this goal or not with my body changes and new confidence. HealthyWage seals the deal with a financial incentive.”